Choice of : Relaxation, Digestion
Applied pressure with gentle circular motion can also release deep muscle spasms, promote internal heat and fire in the belly to break down adhesions or scar tissue.
Abdominal Massage stimulates your internal organs, including your gall bladder and liver. Increased blood and oxygen flow may help to improve organ function. In the case of your gall bladder and liver, improved function means more efficient release and removal of waste products and improves blood circulation benefiting the blood vessels of the entire abdominal cavity.
Abdominal massage can alleviate gas and digestive issues, as well as strengthen underlying muscle tissue, it is beneficial to have regular stomach massage to help it be at the optimum level as it should be.
The most obvious benefit of stomach massage is that it can aid digestion. Gentle pressure applied in clockwise circular motions helps get everything moving, Increases circulation to all the stomach organs, Supports digestion, Stimulates release of toxins, Improves bowel function, Reduce chronic constipation, Aid in weight loss, Encourage relaxation, Tone and strengthen the abdominal muscles, Release physical and emotional tension, Release muscle spasms, Increase blood flow to the abdomen, Aids Mental Relaxation, Encourage Release of Emotional Tensions, Aids Sleep, Encourage the production of Endorphins, Stimulate the Lymphatic System, Speeds up the elimination of waste products
$75 / 30 mins
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